Better Than The First One
I liked this one more than the first. It just seemed better. Oh, I don't think that too many people will get the Nemoy joke. I did, though.
Better Than The First One
I liked this one more than the first. It just seemed better. Oh, I don't think that too many people will get the Nemoy joke. I did, though.
Could Be Tons Better
At least there is a special edition.....besides that, the original isn't that good.
Better Than The Regular One
This is an OK movie. But, the special edition made it better.
Good Music But...
The music is good but the movie isn't good. Nuff said.
One Of Your Better Movies
Recently, I started re-watching all of the old flash movies that I'd downloaded from NG (250MB+). But, for some reason, yours just aren't good anymore. I honestly don't know why and I'm not trying to be rude. I watched this and it was OK. I dunno, maybe just the charas get old or something.....I dunno.
Pure Genius!!
This series is seriously one of the best ever!! That's including TV, which I don't watch much more anyway.
Another Great Work Of The Lord & Master!
Foamy's rants are are awesome....because I agree with all of them!
Best Kerrigan And Ark Yet
I liked this more than K and the frog. It's OK. Keep it up.
Your Average Piece Of Crap
The commercials suck, but this sucks more!
Hi,I'm crazy!
Joined on 6/6/04